Pictures from Pokagon, 2005
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The DPG Gang at Pokagon
Tonya Thompson and What's His Name
Tih and Brad
The Pokagon Bohemian Puppet Celebration.  (L to R)  Brad Lowe, Bob Klink, Judi Zachary,
Irene Simchek, Elvis (Ted Zachary), Ron Simchek
Nancy Henk giving a workshop
Nancy Henk and Annabel Griffiths Rollin
Brad Lowe (DPG Pres) and Cynthia Von Orthal
(Chicago pres) talking up "Celebrate the Puppet" the
Great Lakes Region and Ontario Puppetry association
2006 Festival.
Judi and Ted Zachary
Annabel Griffiths
Brad, Tonya and the Dragon
Brad's dragon performing the song "Beans"
Fred Putz teaching Brad the right way to wire a
"Build your own Dimmer" workshop.
Dimmer plug was in the
wall and blows 110
through his entire body.  

What an electrifying
workshop Fred....
Thanks so much!